Foto Principal

Foto Principal
Foto: Mariana de Carvalho. Oxford, Abril 2010

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde de Hoje (e Sempre)

"a man who moralizes is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who moralizes is invariably plain"

sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010

Por isso que eu sempre gostei das mulheres

Ainda nesta linha de combate ao excesso de razão, ofereço um texto do meu filósofo de cabeceira, pela voz de uma personagem da peça "Uma Mulher sem Importância":

"MRS. ALLONBY: Man, poor, awkward, reliable, necessary man belongs to a sex that has been rational for millions and millions of years. He can't help himself. It is in his race. The History of Woman is very different. We have always been picturesque protests against the mere existence of common sense. We saw its dangers first."


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